As I grow a bit older I appreciate my hot baths in the winter and cool spaces in the summer more and more. High energy bills can already really bite and, like you, I worry that the bill for the Site C dam will be paid with higher hydro rates. I suspect also like you, being reminded that our rates are comparatively low is somehow not very comforting. But I really like those hot baths in the winter and running that air conditioner for cool air in the summer! 

So what to do? I dug a bit into the world trends and came up pleasantly surprised! Then a deep dive into the numbers around the subsidies and loans for sealing up those cracks, insulating walls and ceilings and installing heat pumps and solar panels convinced me. Turns out the subsidies are substantial with a lot of help with cash up front. We’ve applied – yes that is the catch – you do have to apply. But a bit of paperwork seemed an Ok tradeoff although I did have to go down a couple of federal website rabbit holes. My future will include affordable hot baths in the winter and cool rooms in the summer. Make the application and they can be in yours too. In British Columbia there is lots of help for low income families to make the shift too. 

If you rent, no need to feel left out in the cold. Subsidies of various kinds are available for your landlord! The economics of solar, wind, heat pumps and retrofits are so compelling that it is at least a reasonable hope that your landlord will see the light, especially if you talk to him or her. If your eyes are glazing over here just stop reading and go call your landlord. Or better yet get your neighbour and call together. You are trying to help get money the government wants to give them right? And that might help keep your rent out of the stratosphere.

I wondered if this was just Canada. But nope- world over solar and wind are winning! 

I began with the organization most countries consult for their advice about energy trends. The International Energy Agency (IEA) was set up in 1972 by 16 countries including Canada to help coordinate our emergency oil supplies to protect us from oil insecurity when Saudi Arabia and other OPEC countries caused shortages to jack up prices. Instead of jumping on the renewable bandwagon the IEA let domestic oil companies make a killing by telling us how dependent we were on them and for decades IEA reports undervalued renewable energy’s potential. So it was pretty significant when, in 2020, the IEA announced solar was the cheapest power in history and in most countries cheaper than oil or fossil gas. In 2021 the IEA told its member countries that if they wanted to achieve their Paris Agreement targets there was no room for new fossil fuel development and besides it was not necessary because the world can meet all its energy needs from existing sources including increased reliance on renewables.

In February 2023 Clean Energy Canada reported that in Alberta and Ontario wind and solar are cheaper than fossil gas fired power plants. In BC solar is cheaper now than hydro or fossil gas. Go bug your landlord or check out Canada Greener Homes program or Clean BC. If you find it confusing ( and it is) free coaching is available to help you take the next step.



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